the 100: a ranking of the most ınfluential persons in history ne demek?

"The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" is a book written by Michael H. Hart in 1978. The book provides a ranking of the 100 most influential people in human history, based on their impact on human development, society, and culture.

The ranking process is subjective and is based on Hart's personal opinions and evaluations. The book is divided into categories, such as religious leaders, political leaders, philosophers, scientists, and artists. The top-ranked person in the book is Muhammad, the founder of Islam, followed by Isaac Newton, Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Confucius.

The book has generated controversy and criticism for its rankings. Critics argue that the rankings are subjective and are based on Hart's own biases and opinions. Others argue that the ranking system is flawed and not based on objective criteria.

Despite the criticism, the book remains influential and has been translated into numerous languages. It has sold millions of copies worldwide and has been widely read in academic circles and popular culture.